A complete career coaching toolkit to assist young people discover their passion and purpose for life and work. 

A complete life coaching toolkit to assist young people achieve health and wellbeing in all areas of their life.

Commercial Licensing

A complete performance coaching toolkit to assist students take their performance at school to a new level.  


My Success Planner with
50 hours of curriculum

5 x My Life Coach seats
5 x My Career Coach seats

$600 plus $100 
annual subscription

Each come with a toolkit to coach offline

Leader Accreditation Training & Manual

Career Computer_Manual Pic

Printable Workbooks

CYPFS Essentials Program

Slideshows for groups & 1:1 

Coaching Young People For Success Program

9 sets of coaching card sorts

English Group cards

Plus 5 x "My Life Coach" & 5 x "My Career Coach" seats to coach online.

My Life Computer Pic
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Training Calendar
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What people are saying

We offer training in career development to professionals in the field, when we have asked what their best tools were, those who had done CYPFS training chose it as number one without fail.


Garry Gilfoy, Counselling & Career Development Lecturer, TAFE SA

Coaching Young People For Success Program
Coaching Young People For Success Program

I have encouraged all our school career practitioners in Western Australia to use the Life Business CYPFS program. It is a holistic approach to help create a career development culture in our schools and assists students to explore all aspects of their life, learning and work.


Dr. Peter Carey, Former, Learning and Teaching Consultant, Catholic Education Department, Western Australia & CDAA National President.

“We loved thinking about who we are, working through our values and interests. They're something we don't usually really focus on. It's cool to work out what our careers can be, based on the Coaching Young People for Success model!


Sienna and Eliza

My Career Coach Program