Select from our range of staff coaching skills workshops or customise to suit your goals!

My Career Coach Facilitator Training with Toolkit

Assist clients connect to their passions for work and life

Includes a leader toolkit and 30 hours of curriculum – no subscriptions.

Staff will learn how to take others on a journey of self discovery where they will complete a Who Am I? personal profile, connect to their strengths and design an inspiring life and career pathway plan that matches who they are and what is important to them. Their plans can then be used as a guide to focus ongoing career coaching conversations. 

 Training Overview:

  • Overview of My Career Coach & leaders toolkit
  • Introduction to coaching, positive psychology & hope theory
  • The 5 P.O.W.E.R Coaching steps to career and life planning
  • Experience how to deliver in groups, one to one and online via the My Career Coach Portal.
  • Design your own life and career pathway plan.
  • Tour the online portal and key features. 
  • Learn how to set up an online group / sub group and track your students progress.
  • Evaluation, member library access & implementation.
Deliver in groups, one to one or online via the My Career Coach Portal.

Team Package : $2,500 plus GST for Australia


  • Leader Accreditation Training for 5 staff 
  • A My Career Coach Leader toolkit pp
  • Up to 30 hours of coaching curriculum
  • 100 x My Career Coach online seats
  • Add additional staff for $200 pp (reduced from $450 pp)

* Add an Advanced Coaching Skills training.
* Add My Career Coach online seats – for $10 per person, open for 4 years.

My Life Coach Facilitator Training with Toolkit

Assist your clients thrive in all areas of their life.

Includes a leader toolkit and 20 hours of wellbeing curriculum – no subscriptions.

Staff will be trained as accredited My Life Coach leaders and learn the skills and access the resources they need to assist their others achieve greater health and wellbeing in all areas of life. 


Participants will learn The 5 P.O.W.E.R Coaching Steps and how to coach others to review their life satisfaction in eight key areas and design a personalised wellbeing plan that can form the basis of their ongoing coaching conversations.


 My Life Coach also comes with up to 20 hours of life coaching curriculum that can be delivered straight into any mental health and wellbeing or case management  program in groups or one to one.

Training Overview:

  1. Overview of My Life Coach & leader toolkit
  2. Introduction to evidence-based coaching and positive psychology. 
  3. How to coach for positive change in groups, one to one or online via the My Life Coach Platform.
  4. Design a personalised wellbeing plan using The P.O.W.E.R Coaching Model.
  5. Learn key coaching skills 
  6. Practise the G.O.A.L Coaching Conversation.
  7. How to coaching for Emotional Intelligence 
  8. Understand your style, strengths and areas for development as a coach.
  9. Personal & Program planning, and evaluation.

Combine with the My Career, Performance, Peer Coaching & the Parent As Coach modules to form a holistic program to support people be their best in their life, career or study.


Team Package : $2,500 plus GST for Australia



  • Leader Accreditation Training for 5 staff 
  • A My Life Coach Leader toolkit pp
  • Up to 20 hours of coaching curriculum
  • 100 x My Career Coach online seats
  • Add additional staff for $200 pp

* Add an Advanced Coaching Skills training
* Add My Life  Coach online seats – for $10 per person, open for 4 years

A Coaching Approach To Staff wellbeing

Assist staff thrive in their life and at work

The Life Coaching guides young people through the 5 POWER Coaching steps to design of a 

Authored by Anne Bulstrode and Susan Geary, the report combines Personality Dimensions® with Wellness Theory. It empowers your clients to identify and explore how they can achieve a greater sense of Wellness and resilience in all aspects of their lives.

There is no better time than the present to facilitate Wellness strategies with your clients, your team at work, or your colleagues, but you may be wondering how to use this report when teaching a workshop or coaching an individual. With these two, Train-the-Trainer sessions, you’ll be given the knowledge and skills to deliver high quality workshops with lasting results.

Advanced Coaching Skills Training for Staff

Develop Emotionally Intelligent Leaders & Staff


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